Stuck in the Middle with a Stricture

I found this out a few days ago at my checkup on Thursday, April 19th 2018, and I'm still processing it. My primary care doctor, after looking at my most recent Upper GI exam (I've had this done several times since surgery), burst into the room and just started drawing on the exam room table with his pen, wildly marking out things to me. I stood there, frozen and bewildered, and then I started to come to when I heard the words: "You have a stricture." A stricture is basically a blockage in the stomach that prevents food from being digested. For two years , I knew that something was wrong. Yet nothing was showing up in the exams. Until now. (Image caption: On the left of my doctor's drawing is a "typical" stomach. On the right, mine, swollen and distended, but with food being blocked from digesting because I have a stricture. ) However, since I don't have insurance, there's not much I can do about the blockage right now. I need ...