More About Me (in case you were wondering)

I found this questionnaire while looking through old magazines at the treatment house, and I finally had some time between collaging to answer it. Here are my responses. This came from an old issue of Marie Claire.

1. Dream career: Writer or entrepreneur of something

2. Best career advice I've gotten: Don't work for your money; make your money work for you.

3. Most gracious response to career setback: Hugs and time to process

4. Least gracious response to career setback: "When are you going back to work/get a job?"

5. The three qualities that got me where I am today: Compassion, Intellect, and Humor

6. Most agonizing career decision: Deciding whether or not to attend Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas when I was 18 with no car or much money. Then, leaving shortly a few years later before I could graduate due to bipolar disorder.

7. Easiest career decision: Becoming a home health aide for my late mother, Norine Amanda Rhaburn.

8. Kind of work I'd do for free: Writing, which I already am for myself and Collective World

9. Favorite perk of the job: Pens and compliments

10. Worst pitfall of the job: Editing!!!

11. How I made my first dollar: Doing chores for allowance money.

12. Who I admire and why: My mother, Norine Amanda Rhaburn. May 23rd, 1953-August 23rd, 2022. 69 years of strength, love, faith, and awesomeness. She gave me life. Need I say more?

13. Last thing I binge-watched: Divorce Court

14. Book that left a lasting impression on me: She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb.

15. Song that always makes me cry: "Didn't We Almost Have it All" by Whitney Houston

16. Song I want played at my funeral: "One Love" by Bob Marley.

17. First album I bought: *NSYNC by *NSYNC.

18. On my bucket list: Santorini, Greece, or The Mayan Pyramids.

19.Food I'm not to ashamed to admit I love: Haribo Goldbears.

20. Cocktail of choice: Mango margarita.

21. My perfect day would begin: With a cup of tea while watching the sunrise.

22. My perfect day would end: In my future lover's arms, resting peacefully.

23. The beauty essential you'd have to pry out of my cold, dead hands: Cherry Chapstick.

24. Advice to a woman with a broken heart: Choose yourself again. Love yourself more. You're worth it. 

25. Relationship advice to my younger self: Forget online dating. Don't sell yourself to the highest bidder. You may not be perfect, but neither are they. Don't settle. 

Peace always,



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