New Year, (Somewhat) New Me

Happy New Year!

I know that I haven’t updated in months, and for that, I most humbly apologize. I wish I could say that a lot has changed, but honestly, it hasn’t, and that is something I really want to address this year. In March, it will be two years since I had gastric bypass. It feels surreal.

The good news is that I have been able to maintain a majority of the weight that I have lost since surgery. The bad news is that I have yet to make it out of the 200’s. “Onederland” is so close, yet so far away! (“Onederland” is being in the under 200 pound range, by the way). I’m not afraid to say that I am over 200 pounds, though, because before surgery, I was over 300 pounds, even closer to 400 actually. So I’ve improved quite a bit. Yet I know that it is not enough, and that is why I will continue to work on my diet and exercise program.

I know what I’ve done, and I know that I can change it if I try harder. I need to drink more protein shakes, even if I get sick of them at times. I need to stop eating so many “slider” foods (the foods that I have actually found somewhat easier to digest than others). I still throw up if I eat most solid foods, so a day when I can actually eat feels like a victory to me. Yet it is also impeding my weight loss and stopping me from getting to my ultimate weight loss goal.

I am, however, trying to practice self-care and focus on my NSVs (Non-Scale Victories). I love when I can tie my own sneakers and not get winded. I love when I can actually get on my exercise bike. I love when I reach or even beat my step count goal, which is currently at 6,000 steps.

I do, however, need to take it easy. Last month, I found out from an EMT that I had a pulled calf muscle from the strain I had put on my body by working out. Even though it is easier for me to exercise than it has been in the past, I am still a beginner and very much out of shape.

I feel like such a mess sometimes, but I’m trying, and that’s all that matters.  I will get to where I’m meant to be eventually. I don’t expect things to change overnight. Surgery did its part; now I have to pick up the slack.

Until next time!

Peace, love, and protein shakes!



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