One Year Anniversary

Hey everyone!

Yes, it's been ONE YEAR since my gastric bypass weight loss surgery! I can't believe this time has come. It's been a rough ride, but I am continuing this journey, no matter what. I've worked too hard and come too far to turn back now. My brain is just going to have to catch up with my new body. That's what I've been realizing lately.

Yes, there are days when I literally have a funeral for the foods that I can't (and don't NEED or WANT to) eat anymore, but then days like this remind me that it's not worth the agony and weight gain.

Today, I managed to walk down my block and visit several places: the convenience store, the post office, the neighborhood Goodwill, and the library, and it felt so good. There was even a nice breeze and sunshine going too. I would have never had the stamina to do this a year ago. Time really does make a difference. Anything could happen in a year, a month, a day, an hour, or even a minute or second. So don't wait. If there's something you know in your heart that you need to do, something that is just gnawing away at you every it! You never know how much it could change your life.

Your setbacks now can be a springboard for the positive change that you need in your life.

I'm living proof.

Honestly. I never imagined that when I finally admitted to myself last year that I had a serious food addiction and problem controlling my eating that it would lead to all of this.

This is the post I made about my surgery this morning:

"just checked my medical records on my computer (they're really long!), and it has been officially a year since my surgery! Wow! The admission date was 3/22/2016. What a difference a year makes. Truly. I'm not where I want to be, but I'm certainly not where I used to be, that's for sure! It sounds so cliche, but it's true. So much can happen in a year, but also in a day. You never know what could happen. So give yourself time, and some love. Life may not be great right now, but it could be in the future. I'm still holding onto hope. Peace always!"

So if I can do it, I believe that anyone can lose weight successfully from weight loss surgery. Remember, this is a TOOL, not a magic wand. It won't make all your problems go away. Sometimes, it may even add more problems than you anticipated. But there will be little victories each day that will make surgery worth it. Like being able to walk for more than five minutes without wheezing. Like being able to buckle a seatbelt in a car or plane comfortably. Like being able to put on your own socks and tie your shoes. Paint your own toenails. The list is endless, and I plan on embracing all of my scaled and non-scale victories as much as possible. 

I've been given a second chance at life, and even though I may have my numerous ups and downs and variable mood swings, I am not going to take it for granted anymore. 

Peace always,



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